Saturday, January 25, 2014


Welcome Belmont 1st Primary teachers and friends!

We are really excited to start a new year in Primary!   Our theme for 2014 is "Families are Forever" and this year in Primary we will be:

  • talking about different kinds of families: nuclear family, extended family, ward family, ancestors, families in the scriptures
  • researching and retelling stories about the pioneers and early church members
  • inviting ward members and primary kids to share a Family Moment, reflecting on how we all love, learn, grow and serve within the context of the family
  • performing and recording acts of service, both in the ward and in our community- and building Primary's contribution to the Belmont 1st ward service chain

and, most importantly, we will continue to learn about the Savior and his teachings through music, talks, lessons and scripture study.

For teacher training this year, we are going to try something a little different.  Each month, we will post a video, links to teaching resources, or ideas for lessons and games you can use with your classes. Since the best part of teacher training sessions is usually the discussion with other teachers, we encourage you to use the comments section to share tips, ideas and resources with each other.*

We hope this will be helpful to you and are so grateful for your service in Primary!

Jess, Jenn, Jaimee, Katie and Lisa
Belmont 1st Primary Presidency

*We ask that you please be sensitive to the privacy of the children in your class. Please do not mention names of children or details that would identify a specific child or children in our Primary.

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Please be sensitive to the privacy of the children in your class. We ask that you do not mention names of children or details that would identify a specific child or children in our Primary.